Some Healing Advice/ lite råd angående Healing/ Malo Savjeta u vezi terapije

a Favorite Quote of mine in Latin"In Sana Corpo et Corpore Sano"

means" A healthy Spirit(Soul) in a Healthy Body." Svensk översättning "En Sund Själ i En Sund Kropp"na Hrvatski"Zdrav Duh u Zdravom Tjelu"

The Result of all Treatments or Therapies could either deteriorate or improve by your diet/food intake, excercise, your way of Thinking, your lifestyle and your relationships. The nutrition and diet/food is centrally in this and often a first step to change and understanding.

Rezultat svih tretmanima ili terapijama , bilo bi mogao pogoršati ili poboljšati zbog vaše prehrane / unosa hrane, vježbe , svoj ​​način razmišljanja, vaš način života i vašeg odnosa . Prehrana i dijeta / hrana je centralno u to i često je prvi korak za promjenu i razumijevanje .

En god psykisk balans låter energierna flöda fritt i kroppen, därmed kan man klara större belastningar och man får därmed större överskott till utrensning av olika avfallstoff

A good mental balance lets energies flow freely in the body, thus can handle larger loads and can thus have a larger surplus to purge of various waste matter

Dobra mentalna ravnoteža omogućuje energija slobodno teče u tijelu, tako da se može nositi veći teret i na taj način mogu imati veći suficit očistiti od raznih otpadnih tvari

Some may ask: How many Treatments do I need? An Answer to that can be, it depends?! But an Good guideline can be, how many years did you have the "Imbalance"-"The dis-ease" number of years-equals number of Treatments. For example "I had a Backpain for 10 years"Then I should "maby" need 10 Treatments to treat it.


Många kanske undrar: Hur många behandlingar skulle jag behöva? Ett svar på detta kanske är, det beror på? Men som vägledning kan man ha, Hur många år har man haft "Obalansen"eller"Problem i kroppen" "Obalansen-år=Hur många behandlingar man kan behöva. För exempel," Jag har haft ryggproblem i 10 år, då kanske jag skulle behöva 10 behandlingar.

Mnogi se mozda pitaju: Koliko mi treba Tretmana? Odgovor na to mogao bi biti,to zavisi? Jedan dobar putokaz bi mogao biti,koliko godina si imao "problem"neuravnoteženost u tjelu ,tolika tretmana bi ti moglo trebati. Na primjer, "Boli me kičma vec 10 godina, onda mi moglo trebati 10 Tretmana.


A Treatment on Nerves would then be Priority. I then recomend Reflexology(Zone Therapy).One then has to Zone/Massage/Stimulate the reflex-zone for the Spine,the Zone-reflex area for the Solar Plexus, The Zone-Reflex area for the Neck,and the zone-reflex area for the Head/Brain. If and often the Stress-Syndrome could be chronic, then one has to Zone/Massage the Zones/the Reflex areas of both the Hands and Feet and also the Zones/Reflexology points/Areas on the Ears. One can say, you have to aproach the problem on all Reflex-Zones-Areas-Feet-Hands and Ears. I think most people that try this Treatment give up to Easy. One has to Persevere,do it again and again untill you get the results you wish for,for example ,Ease or Realaxation that takes you away from the Super-Tensed muscles that are locked in a flight-or-fight response.

Damir Matenda Feelgood Kinesiologi Copyright  © 2016